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How to Ensure That You Buy the Right Battery When It's Time for Replacement

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Car batteries are designed to do one very important task each time that you start a vehicle, and that is to provide a significant surge of power to kickstart that powerful engine and all those complicated electronics. It’s certainly a sturdy piece of equipment, but it is filled with acid which has the capability to corrode the internal parts over time. As a consequence, the battery will wear out, and you need to replace it if you’re going to maintain your vehicle’s consistency.…

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Let's Get Wasted: Should You Choose An Internal Or External Wastegate For Your Turbocharger Build?

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When it comes to easily and substantially increasing the engine power of your vehicle, turbochargers are the weapon of choice for many motorists. However, while these devices may seem relatively simple at a glance they actually consist of a number of complex components, and making sure all these components work in harmony is vital if you want to get the most from your new turbo. One of the most important components of any turbocharger is its wastegate – despite this, many motorists are unfamiliar with these devices and how they operate.…

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4 Tips to Help Improve Fuel Efficiency With Diesel Engines

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Diesel engines are 30 to 40 percent more efficient than other engines, but if you want even more efficiency, there are a few things that you can do. Whether you’re in the market for a new car or trying to save fuel with your current vehicle, these tips are designed to help. 1. Combine Diesel With Electric If you are in the market for a new vehicle with a diesel engine, you may want to look at a hybrid.…

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When to Have Your Car's Shocks Checked for Needed Replacement

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Your car’s entire suspension system is very important for protecting everything under the hood of the car, as the suspension system absorbs the impact of bumps and dips in the road. In turn, there is less wear and tear on connectors, hoses, and all other parts of the car’s systems. While your car’s manufacturer may have provided recommendations as to when the suspension and shocks in particular should be checked for needed repairs, there are some other signs to look out for that often mean the springs, struts, and other pieces of the suspension need repair or replacement.…

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